Campus Security

Keeping the Raven Community Safe

The Department of Safety and Security is located inside the Operations Office next to the Student Health Center. The department is open and provides protection and services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Security is staffed by both full-time and part-time officers. All of the officers are trained in general security practices, as well as standard first aid and CPR. Security officers have the authority to detain anyone that comes on campus. Therefore, the department cooperates with and works closely with the Atchison Police Department and the Atchison County Sheriff’s Department by coordinating any necessary police responses or arrests on campus. All of the officers are radio equipped for an efficient response to community needs. Campus Security also has a designated patrol vehicle.

To report a crime or emergency or to request service, students must call the Department of Safety and Security at ext. 7255 or 913-360-8888. If for some reason they cannot be reached, 9-911 can be called to reach the Atchison County Sheriff’s Department dispatch center.


The Benedictine Department of Safety and Security exists to provide leadership within the college’s efforts to provide a safe and secure environment in which all Raven community members can live, learn and work. Campus Security takes a community-service approach, developing and instituting methods and approaches which enhance the protection of people and property, promote the prevention of crime, and support the enforcement of college policy. A truly safer campus can be achieved only through the combined efforts of students, faculty and staff. By coordinating the efforts of the college community in cooperation with local law enforcement agencies, the Department of Safety and Security can achieve its commitment to a safer campus environment.

Community Services

The Department of Safety and Security is responsible for security and emergency response at Benedictine College. It is also responsible for providing support services tailored to the specific needs of the Atchison Community. The following are some of these services:

  • Operating the escort service for student workers from dusk until dawn
  • Assisting campus motorists who have vehicle lockouts or are in need of jump-starts
  • Responding to all campus emergencies
  • Issuing parking ticket for students, faculty and staff
  • Distributing crime prevention materials and information
  • Providing lost and found services
  • Coordinating the monitoring and testing of all fire prevention, burglary and panic alarm systems and equipment on campus (in conjunction with College Physical Plant personnel)
  • Making inspections of buildings and grounds for fire, safety and security hazards (in conjunction with College Physical Plant and Office of Student Life personnel)

Crime Prevention

The department is committed to the prevention of crime and is pro-active in its efforts to prevent any potential problems. Crime prevention services include the following:

  • Responding rapidly to all calls for service and emergencies
  • Investigating all reported crimes
  • Cooperating with the Atchison Police Department and the Atchison County Sheriff’s Department
  • Offering a wide variety of crime prevention materials through the Campus Safety Office and the Office of Student Life, including drug and alcohol information and personal security brochures
  • Sponsoring a variety of crime prevention and personal safety programs with the Office of Student Life, including RA training, personal safety, fire extinguisher training, CPR, and fire drills
  • Sexual assaults, including rape, are serious crimes of violence in which the assailant, through threats or physical force, involves or attempts to involve the victim in involuntary sexual conduct. All members of the campus community should be aware that sexual assaults are prohibited by state laws and college policy and are viewed by Benedictine College as a serious matter. A victim of sexual assault should immediately contact a Resident Assistant, college counselor, Student Life employee, or the department of Campus Safety for medical assistance. A victim should also attempt to preserve any potential evidence where the assault took place. Campus Security considers all reports of sexual assault to be confidential and investigates them fully. Victims of sexual assault have the option of notifying the local police and can be assisted to do so by campus officials. Victims are notified of any on-campus and local counseling and mental health services, and are given the opportunity to change living arrangements if reasonable alternatives are available. Additional information on due process and college procedures relevant to sexual assault is located in the Student Handbook.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Benedictine College complies with federal, state and local laws which regulate the possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances. The college also complies with all regulations of the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, including:

  • Distributing, possessing or using any illegal drug or controlled substances
  • Providing alcoholic beverages to individuals under 21 years of age or possessing alcoholic beverages by individuals under 21 years of age
  • Illegally possessing an open container of an alcoholic beverage, public intoxication, driving while intoxicated or under the influence of illegal drugs or controlled substances, and drinking alcoholic beverages in an unlicensed public place
  • Details about offenses and sanctions for students committing them (including probation, suspension and dismissal from the college) appear in the Benedictine College Student Handbook.

Parking and Traffic

The department oversees parking and is responsible for the enforcement of traffic regulations. All students, faculty and staff are required to register their vehicles with the department and to display a valid parking permit properly. Failure to abide by the parking rules and regulations may result in the revocation of parking privileges.

Residential Facilities & Access Policies

The college provides on-campus housing for approximately 1,500 students. Access to residence areas is restricted. Residence hall policy requires that exterior doors be locked during the evening and on weekends and at all times for buildings not having public meeting, office or classroom space. All residents are issued a key or key card for personal access. A resident must accompany all guests entering a residence hall. More information on residence options, roommates, and policies and procedures is described in the Student Handbook which is available in the Student Life Office.

Crime Statistics

Benedictine College is a very safe campus. The Clery Act Security and Fire Safety Report includes statistics for three calendar years. This report is published in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (a.k.a. the Clery Act) of 1998.

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